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Newsletter 7 – Eight Days Until Launch

June 02, 20232 min read

Publishing Update

Great News! The Resurrection Runner book cover will be ready in the next few days!

So, the July 15th book launch appears to be a solid go.

I can see the starting line from here, but many details are left to be completed.

“Starting line?” you say.

“You bet,” I reply.


The time is past for writing and editing Resurrection Runner. The upcoming publishing launch is the true beginning of my writing life. Indeed, the effort to make people aware of Resurrection Runner is now my major commitment. So many people have helped me along the way, and we have devoted countless hours to improving the completed book. I am profoundly grateful to each of them for their contributions and support.

Steven Popoford's World: Our World

Advance readers have told me that Resurrection Runner is a compelling read they truly enjoy. The evils of scheming leaders, propaganda, and subversion are realities that have faced mankind since the Creation and can be seen repeatedly surfacing throughout human history, our time being no exception. Yet evil cannot triumph in the end, for it has already lost. With this truth embodied in the story of Steven Popoford’s trials, I hope that Resurrection Runner will cause readers to question their media sources and to become wary of those who feed them an agenda of misrepresented “truth.”

It is for all this that I am dedicated to two things:

  • Putting Resurrection Runner in the hands of as many readers as possible.

  • Completing the second book in the Steven Popoford series.

An Invitation

I invite you to continue being an active part of this journey, to buy a copy of Resurrection Runner, and tell a friend about Resurrection Runner.

If you enjoy Resurrection Runner, please leave a positive review on my Amazon page (the URL will be posted on 7/15/2020).


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